Yarn is a continuous strand composed of either natural or manmade fibers or filaments and is used in weaving and knitting to produce a cloth. A yarn is defined as a product of substantial length and relatively small cross section consisting of fibers and / or filament(s) with or without twist.
Classification of Yarn Various Way.......
These yarn can be divided by the types of raw materials which we used for making the yarn.
Such as-
100% cotton yarn.
CVC yarn (In this type of yarn the combination of cotton of polyester can be varied depending on the buyer requirement. such as - 65% cotton + 35% polyester, 60% cotton + 40% Polyester etc.Also mainly in this type of yarn the cotton part is alwaysremain greater than the Polyester). CVC mean cheap value cotton.
100% polyester yarn.
PC yarn (In this type of yarn the cotton part is always remain less than the Polyester). PC means Polyester cotton.
100% Viscose yarn.
Grey Mélange yarn. In this type yarn we used a mixer of cotton & viscose. The percentage of cotton & viscose may vary depends on the requirement of buyer. Such as - 85% cotton + 15% viscose (Dark Grey Mélange), 90% cotton + 10% viscose (Grey Mélange), 95% cotton + 5% viscose ( Light Grey Mélange), 98% cotton + 2% viscose (Ecru Mélange) etc. Please note that if we increase the percentage of viscose then the yarn shade also will become dark accordingly. The percentage also can be 80% cotton + 20% viscose. So, if your buyer asked you for Grey mélange fabric then you must confirm it from them that, which percentage of viscose actually they looking for. The yarn price of Grey Mélange is higher than normal cotton yarn. Please always be aware about one thing that, the fabric which knitted by grey mélange yarn is not need to dyeing. Also fabric properties of cotton & grey mealange are almost same. So, we can used same care instruction for both (cotton & g.melange) type of fabric.
Other than these, many more kinds of yarn are producing in this textile world. Such as Bamboo yarn, Organic cotton yarn etc.
We can also separate the yarn by their finishing quality:
Combed Yarn
Carded Yarn
Rotor Yarn
Slav yarn
Yarn is also labeled by their thickness. The unit of this is count. The count number of yarn will increase according to the reduce of yarn thickness. Yarn price also increase according to increased of count number. 40 count yarns are thinner than the 36 count yarn. Some common yarn count:
20 count
22 count
24 count
26 count
28 count
30 count
32 count
34 count
36 count
40 count
Normally we used these yarn count for knit fabrics.
Yarn Classification (According to Process)
Yarn Classification (According To Spinning Technique)
More Yarn Classification
Yarn Count or Yarn Number
A number indicating the Mass per unit Length OR The length per unit mass of Yarn. Expression of the fineness of Yarn.
3) Other Common systems:
1. Nf - French count: - It is the No of 1000 meters length in ½ kg of yarn
2. Nm - Metric system: - Count is the No of 1000 meters length per kg. of yarn.
3. Worsted system: - Count is the No. of 560 yards in one lbs.
4. Linen system: - It is the No. of leas of 300 yards per pound
5. Hemp, Jute, Flax: - Count is the No of 14,400 yards length per pound of yarn
Multi-filament Yarns:
Multi-filament yarn are identified as 80/34/250, 80/34/0, 155/16/120
Here the first number denotes the Denier, second shows No. of filaments in the yarn & the last indicate No. of Twist per meter